Chapter-3: Keeping Quiet Leave a Comment / By Kartik Mahato / October 11, 2023 1. Who is the poet of this poem? Neruda Pablo Pablo Neruda None of these None 2. What does the poet feel is needed to be at peace? meeting with people talking with people interaction with the people Soul searching None 3. What is the original language of the poem? English French Pali Spanish None 4. The poet appeals to the readers to keep quiet for – twenty seconds twelve hours thirty seconds twelve seconds None 5. Where would they be walking? in the park along the river in the shade on the road None 6. According to the poet what creates barriers? interactions reactions fighting languages None 7. What does man threaten himself with? death birth robbery suicide None 8. Fishermen in the cold sea would not harm – seahorses mermaids whales tortoises None 9. What does the title of the poem suggest? Inactivity noise unhappiness Maintenance of silence None 10. What would everyone feel at that exotic moment? happy content dancing strange blissful oneness None 11. What does counting upto 12 signify and how will it help? hours of the day months of a year it will help to create peace and harmony all None 12. What does the style of the poem symbolise, that the poet used to write with? desires happiness hope desire and hope None 13. What is the poet expecting from fishermen? to find more fish to go deeper into the sea to think and stop harming the fish none None 14. What will happen if there are no engines and no crowd? noise will be lessened no crowd on roads no traffic rush it will create a perfect, happy moment None 15. Man needs to learn a lesson from moon stars earth sun None 16. Which images in the poem show that the poet condemns or hate violence? fishermen not harming whales wars leaving behind no survivors to celebrate poet’s refusal to deal with death All these None 17. According to the poet wars that are fought have no soldiers weapons fighter planes survivors None 18. What are the different kinds of wars mentioned in the poem? War against humanity War against nature War with gases and fire All these None 19. Cold sea’ is a poetic device personification transferred epithet metaphor alliteration None 20. How does the poet perceive life? as stillness a noisy place a continuous evolution of nature as silence None 1 out of 2 Time's up