Chapter-6: No Men Are Foreign Leave a Comment / By Kartik Mahato / December 1, 2023 1. Beneath all uniforms , a single body – peeps rests breathes glows None 2. When do people starve and remain hungry ? During peace During silence During war None of these None 3. James Kirkup has written the poem – Wind The Road Not Taken No Men Are Foreign Rain on the Roof None 4. How the strength can be won ? by hatred by love by enmity by power None 5. What should we not do to our brothers ? Disregard Misbehave Hate Anger None 6. According to poet’s No men are …….. strange peculiar happy satisfied None 7. According to James Kirkup what we defile ? Human race Human activity Human earth Human sacrifice None 8. We are all the same for ……… We are all animal We are all sensitive We are all greedy We are all human None 9. Who wrote the poem ‘No Men Are Foreign’? James Kirkup JamlesKlen James Brown James Cary None 10. They have —– like ours that wake. Eyes Hair Dream Legs None 11. We should not support the concept of – War Peace Love Friendship None 12. What is the rhyming scheme of this poem? aabb abcd aabc no rhyming scheme, it is free verse None 13. What are all people aware of? sun air water all of the above None 14. What are the similar things in all the countries? Sun ,earth air, sky water and plants all None 15. What does hate do? kills enemy proves power spreads more hate and divides everything none None 16. How did the poet prove that there are no foreign countries? with the help of people with the same way of living and dying with the help of nature None None 17. What are the things in nature that a man needs to live with? sun air water and plants all None 18. In what ways are people alike? all are born same all breath to live and die in the same way all wear clothes all None 19. Beneath all uniforms, a single —— breathes. Body Head Heart Nose None 20. “To hate our brothers,…” Who are “brothers” here? Fellow citizens Poet’s acquaintances Natives of Ireland People from other countries None 1 out of 2 Time's up