1. Who is the poet of A thing Of Beauty? John Donne William Blakes William Wordsworth John Keats None 2. Why do we need a flowery band? to look beautiful to smile to be joyful to have strength and joy inspite of all sadness None 3. What is the message of the poem? Beauty never fades beauty lifts spirits high beauty is a joy forever All these None 4. What are the things that are read or heard by us? plays and classical music novels and songs lovely tales poetry and western music None 5. What kind of a poet was John Keats? a Realistic Religious Medieval A romantic None 6. What does a thing of beauty is a joy forever mean? it will keep giving happiness for a longer time joy is precious joy is not sold joy is in memory None 7. The ‘immortal drink’ pours on- human beings animals insects birds None 8. Who said that a thing of beauty is a joy forever? John Millet Christopher John Keats a young shepherd None 9. Who is Endymion? a worker a young child a young shepherd an office boy None 10. What does morrow mean? morning time the next day noon time present time None 11. ‘Cooling covert’ means cool shelter of thickets cooling effect of A.C a cold drink cooling clothes None 12. What is inhuman in life? human inside a river human inside caves human on trees self centred tendency and inacility to rise above shallow circles None 13. By ‘green world they live in’ means? daffodils’ green surroundings greenhouse effect green walls of the house green forests None 14. What is the meaning of gloomy? all the unhealthy things dark spirits dull and depressive none None 15. Which figure of speech is used in the words-Some shape of beauty? Alliteration simile metaphor all None 16. Will keep a bower quiet for us’ means will give us peace and calm will stop unpleasant sounds will make our beds fit to sleep reduce noise pollution None 17. What circumstances make man unhappy? chilly cold waves on mountains moisture of flowing rivers crowded places tendency of hopelessness None 18. The flowery band, according to the poet helps to bind us to the earth make us look beautiful give a present of flowers to friends to make a band covered with flowers None 19. Full of sweet dreams’ means pleasant and peaceful sleep disturbed sleep nightmares wishes coming true None 20. What moves the ‘pall from our lives’? some strong winds strong bonds strong friendships some shape of beauty None 1 out of 2 Time's up