201. Sulfuric acid is treated with _______.

Answer: H₂

202. Quick lime is _______.

Answer: CaO

203. Slaked lime slowly reacts with CO₂ in the air to form _______.

Answer: CaCO₃

204. During respiration in cells, _______ combines with oxygen to produce CO₂ and water.

Answer: Glucose

205. The color of iron pyrite crystal is _______.

Answer: Green

206. When lead nitrate is heated, the emission of _______ is observed.

Answer: NO₂

207. Na₂SO₄ + BaCl₂ → BaSO₄ + 2NaCl is an example of _______ reaction.

Answer: Double Displacement

208. Chips manufacturers usually flush the chips bags with _______ gas to prevent oxidation.

Answer: Nitrogen

209. When excess carbon dioxide is passed through lime water, _______ is obtained.

Answer: Ca(HCO₃)₂

210. The solution of _______ does not conduct electricity.

Answer: Glucose

211. The pH of blood is

Answer: 7.4

212. Our stomach produces _______ acid that helps in digestion.

Answer: Hydrochloric acid

213. The stinging pain from the hairs of a nettle plant is caused by _______ acid.

Answer: Methanoic acid

214. Baking soda is

Answer: Sodium hydrogen carbonate

215. _______ is used in the preparation of borax.

Answer: Baking soda

216. Plaster of Paris (POP) is

Answer: CaSO₄.½H₂O

217. The ability to draw metals into thin wires is called _______.

Answer: Ductility

218. _______ is a highly malleable metal.

Answer: Au

219. _______ is a non-metal but has a shiny appearance.

Answer: Iodine

220. _______ does not react with cold water.

Answer: Sodium

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