241. The pH of milk of magnesia is _______.

Answer: 10.5

242. Venus’s atmosphere is composed of thick white and yellow clouds of _______.

Answer: H₂SO₄

243. _______ acid is present in tomatoes.

Answer: Tartaric

244. An aqueous solution of sodium chloride is called _______.

Answer: Saline

245. Bleaching powder represents _______.

Answer: CaOCl₂

246. Recrystallization of sodium carbonate produces _______.

Answer: Washing soda

247. _______ is used as plaster to support fractured bones in the correct position.

Answer: CaSO₄.½H₂O

248. The metal that exists as a liquid at room temperature is _______.

Answer: Mercury

249. Which is the hardest allotrope of carbon in nature?

Answer: Diamond

250. _______ is an amphoteric oxide.

Answer: Al₂O₃

251. Burning magnesium in air is a

Answer: Chemical change

252. The formation of lime from marble by reacting with atmospheric moisture and CO₂ is an example of

Answer: Decomposition reaction

253. A compound X reacts with CO₂ present in the air to form compound Y. Compound Y produces an oxide. Compound X is

Answer: Ca(HCO₃)₂

254. Barium can displace which element from its sulfate?

Answer: Hydrogen

255. The decomposition of glucose is

Answer: Exothermic reaction

256. The empty space in a packet of snacks is filled with an inert gas to prevent _______.

Answer: Oxidation

257. When exposed to light, the color of a transparent photographic layer gradually changes due to _______.

Answer: Oxidation reaction

258. When aluminum comes into contact with atmospheric O₂, it forms Al₂O₃. This is

Answer: Corrosion

259. When blue CuSO₄ crystals are heated, a white anhydrous solid is obtained. The white solid is

Answer: CuSO₄

260. The color of phenolphthalein in an acidic medium is

Answer: Colorless

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