Chapter-6: This is Jody’s Fawn Leave a Comment / By Kartik Mahato / December 13, 2023 1. The lesson “This is Jody’s fawn” is written by _____? Jody Penny Shashikanta Das Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings None 2. Who did he talk to about this first? His pa His ma Mill-wheel None of the above None 3. What do you mean by “hemmed in” Caught in a situation where one can’t say ‘yes’ Caught in a situation where one can’t say ‘no’ Caught in a situation where one can’t say anything at all None of the Above None 4. Who said “Nothing in the world comes quite free”? Mill-wheel Penny Jody Doc Wilson None 5. Where did Jody allow his thoughts to drift back to? His father His mother The doe The fawn None 6. How did Jody know it was a boy? The spots were in a line The spots were every which way There were no spots None of the Above None 7. Who offered to give a ride to Jody? Mill-wheel Penny Ma Baxter Doc Wilson None 8. What was his mother doing when he went to convince her? Sitting Pouring coffee Pouring tea All of the above None 9. Why is his father proud of Jody? Jody kept his head high and did what was needed Jody ran for help Jody avoided the situation Jody wanted to bring the fawn home None 10. What was the name of Jody’s father? Jony Benny Jenny Penny None 11. How did Jody’s father feel to see the fawn? Surprised Shocked Regret Glad None 12. “ Pa, the —– may be out there get. If might be hungry and very scared”. Rattlesnake Doe Deer Fawn None 13. Name the author of the story ‘This is Jody’s fawn’ Samuel Johnson Emily Drkenson George Drwell Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings None 14. “He stroked its sides as gently as though the fawn were _____ and he might break it” China cup China deer Fragile None of the above None 15. What was used to draw out the poison of snake? Does heart and liver Doe’s brain and bones Fawns liver All of these None 16. When would Jody be back home? At night In the evening After dinner Before dinner None 17. “It was _____ to feel its tongue against his hand” Ecstasy Irritating Disgusting None of the above None 18. Who lifted its face? Jody The snake Jody’s father The fawn None 19. ‘The touch made him ——.’ Delirious Annoying Scared Relax None 20. Who is the main speaker? The doe Ma Baxter Hawthorne Jody None 1 out of 2 Time's up