Chapter-3: Rain on the Roof Leave a Comment / By Kartik Mahato / December 1, 2023 1. What brings the rain? storm cyclone wind flower None 2. Who are the darkening dreamers? The love of the poet’s mother The shyness of the poet’s mother The fancies of the poet’s mother The carelessness of the poet’s mother None 3. What does the poet like to do when it rains? Play game Read book Lay down Sing None 4. Who comes in the memory of the poet in the poem. ” Rain on the Roof “? Father Mother Brother Sister None 5. The poem ” Rain on the Roof ” has been written by William Butler Yeats Edward Lear Coates Kinney William Wordsworth None 6. Where does the poet listen to the patter of the rain? On the roof On the hill In the valley In the woods None 7. Where do the humid shadows hover? Over the starry spheres Over the green field Over the deserted land Over the snowy field None 8. It was a bliss to press the ——- in a rainy day. Pillow Door Blanket TV button None 9. Select the name of the poet of the poem ‘Rain on the Roof’. Robert Frost Subramanian Coates Kinneycorrect W.B. Yeats None 10. Which memories of the poet are revived with the pitter patter sound of rainfall? college days young age office days chidhood memories None 11. Starry sp heres refers to the sky full of – Dew drops Stars Smog Clouds None 12. What makes an echo in the poet’s mind? his poverty his successes the music of pattering rain all these things None 13. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? abcbdefe aabbccdd abbccdde aaabbbab None 14. Where is the rain making a noise? in the room on the roofcorrect in the garden in the lanes None 15. What is the memory that comes to the poet’s mind repeatedly? His mother His friends His siblings None of these None 16. What does the poet enjoy listening to? the classical music of piano film music pattering sound of raindrops old songs None 17. What weeps in rainy tears? Poet Darkness Poet’s mother None of these None 18. Old poetic word for before was – Rc Arc Orc Erc None 19. What are the humid shadows doing in the sphere? steeping resting floating in the aircorrect doing nothing None 20. Who are the darling dreamers? the poet and his brothers the street children the school children none of these None 1 out of 2 Time's up