Chapter-4: How to Tell Wild Animals Leave a Comment / By Kartik Mahato / October 4, 2023 1. From which poem has this stanza been taken? Dust of snow The ball poem Amanda How to tell wild animals None 2. How does a bear kill you? By hugging you hard With its roar By taking a leap on you None of the above None 3. The poet makes a guess that the beast will give you A merry laugh A good roar A loving touch A pleasant smile None 4. How is the bengal tiger described? Noble dinosaur. Noble wild beast. Noble dragon. None of the above. None 5. Which animal do you find while walking in a yard? Asian lion Bengal tiger Leopard Bear None 6. What is the special feature of the hyena? Merry smiles. Sadness Hapiness None of the above None 7. A noble wild beast’ here refers to Asian lion Bengal tiger Afghaniass African elephant None 8. What is the special feature of the crocodile? Weeps while eating its prey. Happy while eating its prey. Angry while eating its prey None of the above. None 9. Which animal’s roar is enough to kill you? Asian lion Bengal tiger Leopard Bear None 10. How is the leopard’s skin? Has stripes on his skin. Has holes on his skin. Has spots on his skin. None of the above. None 11. The chameleon has been compared to A rabbit A lizard A mouse A snake None 12. Which animal can we meet in our yard? Lion Pig Deer Bear None 13. How is the bengal tiger described? Noble dinosaur. Noble wild beast. Noble dragon. None of the above. None 14. Name the literary device used in the line “he hasn’t any ears atall”. Assonance inversion Enjambment alliteration None 15. Who smiles while catching their prey? Hyena Crocodile Both of them None of them None 16. Which animals are the beasts of prey? Hyena Crocodile Both of them None of them None 17. Where is the chameleon generally found? In the garden In the trees. In the sky. In the land. None 18. What is the special feature of the hyena? Merry smiles. Sadness Hapiness None of the above. None 19. Who cries while catching their prey? Hyena Crocodile Both of them None of them None 20. How does a bear kill you? A by hugging you hard With its roar By taking a leap on you None of the above None 1 out of 2 Time's up