Chapter-4: Last Bargain Leave a Comment / By Kartik Mahato / December 11, 2023 1. Who is the poet of the poem, “The Last Bargain”? Rabindranath Tagore T.S. Eliot S.D. Sawant None of the Above None 2. “An old man came out with his bag of _____” Sword Gold Notes None of the above None 3. What did the young maiden offer to hire him with? power money smile None of the above None 4. With what emotion did he accept the child’s offer? Happiness Sacrifice Sadness Boredom None 5. What did the child offer to hire him with Power smile Money Nothing None 6. “_____ in hand the King came in his chariot” Power Sword Gold Wealth None 7. Why does the man accept the child’s offer? It made him a free man It made him a noble man It made him selfless All of the Above None 8. Whose offer did he accept? King Old man Young maiden None of the Above None 9. What was the child doing? Playing with flowers Playing with sand Playing with sea Playing with sea shells None 10. What do you mean by the word “naught”? Nothing Knot Naughty None of the above None 11. What was the time then? Sunset Noon Sunrise Late night None 12. What did the young maiden offer to hire him with? power money smile None of the above None 13. Who said “ I will hire you with my money,”? Old man The speaker Child King None 14. Who said “I will hire you with a smile.”? Old man King Speaker Fair maid None 15. A——is a agreement in which both parties promise to do something for each other. Arguing Conversation Bargain None of these None 16. ‘In the heat of the mid-day the houses stood with—–‘ Open doors Shut windows Open windows Shut doors None 17. What did the old man offer the speaker? Power A bag of gold Flowers Money None 18. Give the meaning of ‘ponder’. to walk to think to help to say None 19. According to the speaker, what was the child doing? Playing with shells Playing with toys Studying Doing nothing None 20. What was the child doing? Playing with flowers Playing with sand Playing with sea Playing with sea shells None 1 out of 2 Time's up