Chapter-5: The School Boy Leave a Comment / By Kartik Mahato / December 11, 2023 1. Who is the poet of the poem “The School Boy”? William Blake Thomas Wilde Rabindranath Tagore T.S. Eliot None 2. Who sings along with the school boy? His parents Huntsman Skylark His friends None 3. How shall the summer arise in joy, Or the summer fruits appear if _____. Buds are nipped Blossoms are blown Plants are stripped All of the Above None 4. “The little ones spend the day, in _____ and _____” Sighing, dismay Happiness, joy Happiness, glory Sighing, sorrow None 5. Who is he talking to when he says “if buds are nip’d…” His parents Teacher Caged bird All of the Above None 6. Who does he compare himself to when he says “How can a child when fears annoy, But droop his tender wing, And forget his youthful spring.”? Book Flower Nip in the bud Caged bird None 7. “I _____ to rise on a sunday morn” Hate Despise Regret Love None 8. What drives all the joy away? Caged bird Nip in the bud Blown blossoms School on a summer morning None 9. “Nor in my _____ can I take delight” Book Learning bower Dreary shower All of the Above None 10. What does the boy like about the huntsman? Sound of his horn Hunting skills His personality All of the Above None 11. Where does the child spend his anxious hour? In the classroom In playground In the garden In the market None 12. How is the mood of the child? Unhappy Joyous Happy Crying None 13. Give the meaning of ‘dreary’. loving interesting uninteresting taking something None 14. Whom does the child compares himself to? Buds Evils Joys Flowers None 15. Whom does the child complain to? Father Mother Both father and mother God None 16. What does the child want? To be free To go to play To go to study To go to None 17. Name the poem. The Ant and the Cricket The School Boy The Last Bargain The Duck and the Kangaroo None 18. Who is ‘I’ here? A bird A tree A small child None of these None 19. Where did the child love to spend his morning? In the garden In the terrace In the classroom On the attic None 20. Why is the child unhappy? He is playing with birds He is in the garden He is in the school None of these None 1 out of 2 Time's up