Chapter-7: Packing Leave a Comment / By Kartik Mahato / December 1, 2023 1. Where did Jerome find his toothbrush? Inside the pocket Inside the wardrobe Inside the bag Inside the boot None 2. The three friends in the lesson ” Packing ” are – George, Jenson, Harris George, Hari, Jack George, Harris, Jerome None of these None 3. The lesson ” Packing ” has been written by – Vikram Seth Jerome K. Jerome Issac Asimov Deborah Cowley None 4. The name of the dog in the lesson ” Packing ” was – Montmorency Attila Jockey Shephard None 5. Who food on the butter? Jerome Macdonald Harris George None 6. When was the packing finished? Ten in the night Six in the morning 12.50 in the night 6.00 in the evening None 7. How many characters are there in the lesson ” Packing “? Four Three Six One None 8. ” I said I’d pack ” who said this? The explores The curator The narrator The intruder None 9. Who started the packing first of all? Harris George Jerome Macdonald None 10. What did George and Harris start the packing with? breaking a cup breaking a plate breaking ajar breaking a kettle None 11. Finally they had decided to wake up at 7:00 AM 6:00 AM 7:30 PM 6:30 AM None 12. Who is Montmorency? A cat A rat A dogcorrect A guinea pig None 13. —— was the worst packer in this world. Jerome K Jerome Harris George Marh None 14. The Chapter The Packing is an extract from Malgudi Days Wings of Fire Alchemist Three Men in a Boat None 15. Who started packing the hampers ? Jerome K. Jerome George Harris both (b) and (c) None 16. — toed on the butter. Jerome K Jerome Harris George Tom None 17. While packing things George and Harris did a few silly things, name them. broke a cup and upset almost everything squashed a tomatoe trod on butter and stepped on a banana all None 18. What irritates Jerome K. Jerome the most? seeing other people doing packing seeing other people doing nothingcorrect going on a journey all of the above None 19. He felt irritated to see others when he was doing all the works Singing Working Sitting Dancing None 20. Finally, where did the author find his toothbrush? Under the bed Inside the closet On the table Inside a boot None 1 out of 2 Time's up