Chapter-8: Going Places Leave a Comment / By Kartik Mahato / October 11, 2023 1. Geoff had been out of school for a period of – five years one year three years two years None 2. What kind of person is Sophie’s father? a kind hearted a loving and caring a hard core realistic carefree None 3. What is Sophie in reality? a dreamer a fighter a worker at Biscuit factory none None 4. Who is Sophie’s elder brother? Geoffe Jansie Dany Casey none None 5. What is the sub theme of the story? Relationships friends family members adolescents None 6. Who are Sophie and Jansie? teenagers who are friends and classmates neighbourers colleagues actors None 7. What kind of girl is Sophie? a happy go lucky kind a realistic Day dreamer a naughty child None 8. Which game are Sophie and her family fans of ? cricket Badminton volleyball football None 9. Who is A. R. Barton? A modern writer author of Going Places lives in Zurich and writes in English All these None 10. What does Sophie dream about? Becoming an actor becoming a manager a sophisticated person becoming rich and sophisticated None 11. Danny had a freckled nose and the colour of his eyes was grey green blue brown None 12. Outside the pub, Sophie saw something. It was her dad’s bicycle her brother’s car her mother’s motorcycle Derek’s tricycle None 13. While Sophie waited for Danny, she realized that Danny would come Danny would not come she was hungry she was thirsty None 14. According to Sophie, the place she had chosen to meet Danny was a hidden alley a perfect place behind the walls near the trees None 15. Sophie told Jansie that her father if he got to know about her meeting with Danny would agree to their marriage murder her ask her to call him over for dinner ask to be introduced to him None 16. Geoff had told about Sophie’s meeting with Danny Casey to the entire neighbourhood Frank Jansie the teachers in school None 17. ‘I wish he was an Englishman’. These words were spoken with reference to Geoff Derek Danny Casey a passenger in the bus None 18. The match on Saturday was witnessed by the whole family only father and Sophie Geoff alone Sophie, father, Derek and Geoff None 19. Danny Casey was a player in the football team of Ireland Finland England Denmark None 20. Sophie told Geoff that Danny was unable to sign an autograph for her because his secretary did not allow it he didn’t have paper or pen he said he’d do it later he was in a hurry to go home None 1 out of 2 Time's up