Chapter-8: On Killing a Tree Leave a Comment / By Kartik Mahato / November 30, 2023 1. Bleeding bark means – bark giving out water bark giving out blood bark giving out milk bark giving out juice None 2. It takes much time to kill – a man a tree an animal a bird None 3. Anchoring earth means – Soil giving protection Soil giving manure Soil giving mineral Soil giving shelter None 4. The poem ” On Killing a Tree ” has been written by ……… . James Kirkup Robert Frost Gieve Patel Phoebe Cary None 5. Where does the strength of a tree lie ? in the bark in the root in the stem in the leaves None 6. A tree chokes when it gets no ……… air manure mineral water None 7. A tree rises out of earth ……… very fastly very hastily very smartly very slowly None 8. Why do people kill a tree ? to make more space for residence to make more money to make the place lovely to make the place fascinating None 9. What will again expand to a tree’s full size? roots green twigs fruit flowers None 10. According to the poet, the thing which is said to be hacked and chopped is —- the branch the leaves the stem any part of the tree None 11. Gieve Patel’s “On Killing a Tree” is —- an ironical poem a meditative poem a dramatic poem a ballad None 12. What is needed to kill a tree? a simple jab hacking choking pulling out the roots entirely None 13. What helps the tree to grow? earthcorrect air gardener none None 14. The root is “the source” of the —- colour of the tree the shape of the tree size of the tree the vitality of the tree None 15. What can alone kill a tree? hacking chopping hacking and chopping none of the above None 16. The “strength of the tree” lies in —- the bough the stem the leaf the root None 17. In the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree’, the process of killing a tree takes Minimum time Much longer time Hardly any time An entire day None 18. The word ‘leprous’ refers to the disease called —- canker cancer leprosy none of the above None 19. Who wrote the poem ‘On Killing a Tree’? Edward Lear Gieve Patel Robert Frost William Butler Yeast None 20. Where does the strength of the tree lie? in leaves in fruits in its roots All None 1 out of 2 Time's up