Chapter-9: Fog Leave a Comment / By Kartik Mahato / October 4, 2023 1. Which scenic beauty is very well captured in the poem ‘Fog’? A day in the winters The moment when fog comes over the harbour waters The snow clad mountains The river stream None 2. How does the poet see the fog in the poem? as a cat that comes on its tiny, silent feet as a thick furry blanket as a chill winter gift None of the above None 3. What effects does the poem ‘Fog’ contain? Special effects Thought provoking effects VFX Dual imagery None 4. What idea does the poet introduce in the poem ‘Fog’? Fog is alive and an entity Fog is as cuddly as a cat Fog is soft and blankety All of the above None 5. Who is ‘It’ in the above lines ? cut fog city harbour None 6. How does fog comes on ? little dog feet little rat feet little birds feet little cat feet None 7. Name the poem. Daffodils The snow The cat Fog None 8. The fog is compared to what ? mouse cat dog ant None 9. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? ababab aababa aabaab no rhyme scheme None 10. What does the fog do while it looks over the city and the harbour? sits moves stands dances None 11. What is the rhyming scheme of poem? aabb abab Free Verse None of the Above. None 12. What is the name of the poet? Sylvia Plath Carl Sandburg Robert Frost Robert Burns None 13. Fog comes like a – Cat Bear Dog Skyline None 14. Where does the fog sit on ? harbour and city top of the mountains top of the tall trees top of buildings None 15. After sitting, the fog ___ Disappears sits there only moves on gets dense None 16. How does the fog arrive and depart? by announcing its arrival silently loudly both1 and 3 None 17. After sitting, the fog ___ Disappears sits there only moves on gets dense None 18. The feet of the fog are like __ feet. cat lion tiger dog None 19. The figure of speech used in these lines is ? personification analogy personification/analogy none of them None 20. How does the cat sits ? on its paws on its back on its haunches on its stomach None 1 out of 2 Time's up