Chapter-10: The Great Stone Face – II Leave a Comment / By Kartik Mahato / December 12, 2023 1. Who is the writer of the story “The Great Stone Face-I and II”? Nathaniel Hawthorne Shashikant Das Ernest Rudyard Kipling None 2. How did he receive his visitors? Gently Poorly Rudely None of the above None 3. What do you mean by customary toil? Customs Traditions Usual work Exceptional work None 4. When did the poet visit Ernest? Summers Winters Spring Autumn None 5. Who did he celebrate in his poems? Himself The Great Stone Face Ernest Valley None 6. “more numerous than the white hairs on his head were the _____ thoughts in his mind.“ Negative Good Daily wise None 7. Whose wisdom walked hand in hand with the noble simplicity of his life? Poet Shopkeeper Ernest None of the above None 8. Did the Great Stone Face bend to listen to the poet? Yes No Maybe Maybe not None 9. What was Ernest doing when the poet saw him? Reading a book Holding a book Looking at the Great Stone Face All of the Above None 10. Was Ernest famous? Yes No Maybe Not mentioned in the story None 11. When he was reading, he lifted his eyes to : the hills to the Great Stone Face the mountain the sky None 12. How did Ernest treat his visitors? Rudely Greedily Gently None of these None 13. What did the people accept as true about Ernest? That he looked like Great Stone Face That he was very rich That he loved people None of these None 14. Ernest had become famous for his health wisdom wealth love. None 15. ‘The years hurried on, and brought —- hairs upon the head Ernest, and ——–‘ Black White Brown Red None 16. He began to speak to the people what was in his —- and —-‘ Mouth Heart Mind Both (b) & (c) None 17. Whom were the reasons the poet denied to be the face of the Great Stone Face? His friend Neighbour Poet He, himself None 18. Who arrived at Ernest’s door one summer? Great Stone Face Poet Villagers All of them None 19. Name the lesson. A Visit to Cambridge The Great Stone Face-II This is Jody’s Fawn A Short Monsoon Diary None 20. “Ernest threw a look of familiar __________ around upon his audience.” Rudeness Disgust Disappointment Kindness None 1 out of 2 Time's up