Chapter-9: The Great Stone Face – I Leave a Comment / By Kartik Mahato / December 12, 2023 1. What brightened all it’s features? Torchlight Moonlight Sunlight Snow None 2. Who did people believe they owed the fertility of the valley to? Ernest Rainfall The Great Stone Face D. The Prophecy None 3. Who saw nothing remarkable in Ernest’s way of living? The Great Stone Face Ernest Gathergold Inhabitants of the valley None 4. What did he do for a living? Farmer Shopkeeper Soldier commander None 5. At what time did Ernest and his mother sat outside their cottage? Sunset Sunrise Midnight dawn None 6. What did Ernest do after finishing the work of the day? Go home Gaze at the Great Stone Face Play See his friends None 7. The Great Stone Face was only visible from a particular distance. True or False? True False Partially true Partially false None 8. What do you mean by “prophecy”? statement that tells what happened in the past statement that tells what will happen in the future statement that tells what is happening right now any statement None 9. What was the Great Stone Face? A pile of rocks that resembled a human face A work of nature Both A and B None of the above None 10. What did the old prophecy say? A man bearing the likeness of the Great Stone Face will come The man will be greatest and noblest of his time The man will be born in the valley All of the Above None 11. Name the lesson. A Visit to Cambridge The Summit Within A Short Monsoon Diary The Great Stone Face-I None 12. Who all were part of Ernest’s daily audience? A group of neighbours College Professors Doctors The Poet None 13. Give the meaning of ‘prophecy’. prophet advice prediction suggestion None 14. ‘If i never see a man with such a ——, I should love him very much” Heart Face Colour Attitude None 15. ‘There idea was that this was a folly, but pardonable, because Ernest was —-, —– and —-. Industrious Kind Neighbourly All of these None 16. What was Ernest doing when the man arrived? Working Gazing at the valley Waiting to welcome him Not mentioned in the story None 17. ‘Many still had faith in this —-‘ Old prophecy God Themselves None of these None 18. Who was Ernest’s teacher? His mother Great Stone face His Grand mother All of these None 19. Was Ernest satisfied with the resemblance of Mr. Gather gold to the Great Stone Face? Yes No Never May Be None 20. Whom did the poet wish to meet? Commander General Ernest The author None 1 out of 2 Time's up